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Partners and Projects

The Pride Study
Research to change lives.

The PRIDE Study is the first large-scale, long-term national health study of people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ+), or another sexual or gender minority. By participating in the study over time, your unique story will provide vital insights on the health and well-being of LGBTQ+ people like you.

Unidos Por La Verdad and other partners at The PRIDE Study are working together to bring equity to our communities. 

The Study

What is the study's goal? 

The goal of The PRIDE Study is to improve the health of LGBTQ+ people. The main question we want to explore over many years is: how does being LGBTQ+ influence physical, mental, or social health? By participating in the study, you bring us one step closer to understanding how the experience of being LGBTQ+ relates to all aspects of health and well-being.

What does it mean to join the study?

We know your time is valuable. That is why a minimum of 45 minutes once a year is all it takes to help us achieve our goal. After enrolling online, you will have the option to begin our Annual Questionnaire survey. Depending on the details of your health history, some participants will be invited to complete additional questionnaires or other forms of research about specific health topics.


Why Join The PRIDE Study?

It’s simple. Your participation now, and over time, will help us improve the health of LGBTQ+ people.


Privacy Protection

As doctors and researchers, The Pride Study understands that information about your life is personal. Like their patients’ health information, it is our top priority to keep the information you share securely.

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